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Global: Workers' Memorial Day Activities 2006


Contact Fiona Murie at to include your actvities in this list

Country Argentina
Event 28 April campaign protests about occupational carcinogens including asbestos

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Brazil
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Burkina Faso
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards.
Organisation FTBBF, FNTCS

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Chad
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation FENATRABAT

FENATRABAT, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Chile
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Colombia
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation FECCA

FECCA, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Denmark
Event Call for global asbestos ban and deputation to the Canadian embassy
Organisation 3F/BAT-Kartel

A delegation from the BAT-Kartel, the construction section of Danish union 3F, will visit the Canadian Embassy in Copenhagen on 28 April, to call for an end to Canada’s promotion of asbestos worldwide. This activity forms part of BWI’s worldwide campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Dominica
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Ghana
Event Conference and commemoration, ban asbestos and HIV/AIDS themes.
Organisation Ghana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), BWI affiliates

GTUC and affliates of the global building and wood workers' union federation BWI have organised a national conference for trade union representatives and members. Key themes are the fight for a global asbestos ban - BWI's worldwide theme for 28 April - and HIV/AIDS.

Contact: Daniel Owusu Boatey

Country Ghana
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Inviolata Chingayanrara

Country Guatemala
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Honduras
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation STINCA

STINCA, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Hong Kong
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation CSGWU

CSGWU, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country India
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
- India Assam Chah Mazdoor Sangha (Building, Wood and Forestry Workers'Union)
- Adivasi Forest Wood and Building Workers' Association Gandhi Majoor Akila India Kattida Thozhilalar Madhiya Sangam
- AIKTMS (All Indian Building and Construction Workers' Union Tamil Nadu)
- Bhatha Mazdoor Sabha (Brick Kiln Workers' Union Punjab)
- Indian National Building, Construction, Forest and Wood Workers' Federation Orissa
- Indian National Rural Labour Federation, Tamil Nadu
- Kerala Kettida Nirmana Thozhilali KKNTC
- Mahanagar Asangathit Mazdoor Union MAMU (Meghacity Unorganised Workers' Union)
- Maharashtra Bandhkam Va Lakud Kamgar Sangathan MBLKS (Maharashtra Construction and Wood Workers' Union)
- Rural Workers' Organisation Tamil Nadu : "Graama Iyakkam" Pudukattampur RWO
- Shevaroys General Employees Union SGEU Tamil Nadu
- Tamil Maanila Kattida Thozhilalar Sangam Tamil Nadu TMKTS (Tamil Nadu State Construction Workers' Union)
- United Front for Rural Plantation and Construction Workers UNIFRONT

Indian construction union affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country India
Event Building and Wood Workers International report on affiliates' activities in India
Organisation BWI Affiliates

IFBWW South Asia Project Office, New Delhi sent out circulars and also relevant materials to all its affiliates in India and Nepal so as to facilitate IWMD activities on 28th April. Although, most affiliates have undertaken some or the other kind of activity, but a special mention needs to be made for the good work undertaken by IFBWW affiliates in two states - Maharashtra (MBLKS) and Tamil Nadu (TMKTS, INRLF, RWO, SGEU, UNIFRONT). more


Country Indonesia
Event Manifesto calling for a global asbestos ban
Organisation F-Kui

As part of its 28 April activities, F-Kui – the Informal Sector and Construction Workers’ General Federation - will issue a manifesto calling on the Canadian government to halt the mining, production and export of asbestos. The Construction Network will issue a joint declaration in support of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Kenya
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation Kenya Quarry, Kenya Printing and paper, Kenya Building and Construction

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Latin America
Event Demand for an immediate asbestos ban in Brazil
Organisation BWI, Latin American unions, asbestos campaign organisations

Global building and workers' union federation BWI hosted a regional asbestos conference in Brazil on 20-21 April. Trade union leaders from the construction sector in Brazil, Guatemala, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay are participating. Also in attendance are representatives of ABREA, the Brazilian association of victims of asbestos, and representatives of Ban Asbestos Canada and the International Ban Asbestos Network, IBAS.

The meeting was addressed on the two days by the leadership of Brazilian construction unions, FETICOM, CONTICOM CUT and SOLIDARIDADE. Other speakers included representatives from FUNDACENTRO, ministry of work, by FIOCRUZ, ministry of Health, and by representatives of the construction materials employers.

On the 28 April, representatives from the meeting will present the conclusions and demands for immediate steps to be taken to introduce legislation prohibiting all use of asbestos to the government of Brazil, and to the Regional Symposium on asbestos.

BWI will also address a FUNDACENTRO asbestos event on 28 April.

Country Malawi
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation BCCEAWU

BCCEAWU, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Inviolata Chingayanrara

Country Malaysia
Event Conference calling for a global asbestos ban
Organisation UECI

As part of its 28 April activities, UECI, a Malaysian affiliate of the global construction union federation BWI, will hold a one-day national conference to support BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Mali
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation FENIBABCOM

FENIBABCOM, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Mauritius
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation CFMEU

CFMEU, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Mozambique
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation SINTICIM

SINTICIM, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.


Country Nepal
Event Building and Wood Workers International report on affiliates' activities in Nepal
Organisation CUPPEC, CAWUN and NBCWU

Trade union activities in Nepal have suffered in recent months due to the political turmoil there. Despite all the pressures, the three IFBWW affiliates in Nepal continued their struggle and worked in unity withstanding all the pressures directed to curb their fundamental rights. more

Country Niger
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

SYNBBAROUTES, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Inviolata Chingayanrara

Country Nigeria
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation NUCECFWW

NUCECFWW, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Panama
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Paraguay
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation FETRACOMP

FETRACOMP, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Peru
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Senegal
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country South Africa
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation BCAWU, NUM, CEEPPAWU under the banner of Ministry of Labour, NACTU/COSATU and BWI

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Inviolata Chingayanrara

Country South Korea
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation KFCITU

KFCITU, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Swaziland
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation SAAPAWU

SAAPAWU, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Tanzania
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation TAMICO

TAMICO, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Inviolata Chingayanrara

Country Togo
Event 28 April commemorations and presentations

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Uganda
Event 28 April commemorations and presentations
Organisation UBCCECAWU

UBCCECAWU, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Uraguay
Event 28 April commemorations and presentations
Organisation SUNCA

SUNCA, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Carlos Salguero

Country Venezuela
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards
Organisation Fetraconstrucción, Fetramaquipes

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Zambia
Event 28 April commemorations and presentations
Organisation NUGEGW

NUGEGW, an affiliate of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Country Zimbabwe
Event 28 April campaign against asbestos hazards

Affiliates of the global building and wood workers federation BWI, will organise 28 April activities as part of BWI’s campaign for a global asbestos ban.

Contact: Inviolata Chingayanrara




Hazards magazine international listing of Workers'Memorial Day
2006 activities