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Hazards 152, October-December 2020


NO! NO! NO! No prosecutions. No leadership. No clue. Hazards looks at the impact of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) keeping a safe distance from enforcement activity as Covid-19 raged in the workplace. more

SMOKING GUN Firefighters risk their lives to save ours. But work-related cancers caused by routine toxic exposures, both at incidents and in training, could be a far bigger risk to their health, warns Hazards editor Rory O’Neill. more


VENTING Hands, face, space. We all know the mantra. But you can’t stop breathing and if the workplace air is going nowhere and is chock-full of coronavirus, you’ll still be at risk. Hilda Palmer of the Hazards Campaign explains the critical importance of ventilation and why it is necessary to clear the air. more


SAFETY AT SEA New research has identified “systemic failures” in the implementation of the regulatory regime protecting seafarers’ hours of work and rest, undermining the credibility of international regulations relating to working hours. It’s a crisis now exacerbated by the Covid pandemic, which has seen hundreds of thousands trapped at sea. more


FIGHTING OUR CORNER Hundreds of workplace clusters each week. Not a single prosecution. It's not just Covid. Work-related injuries and ill-health have soared. We deserve better. Fight back now before it's too late! A Hazards pin-up-at-work poster.


Coronavirus news, 8-13. Work and health news, 14-15. Inequalities news, 16-17. News in brief, 22-23. Education news, 24-25. Abuse at work, 26-27. Transport news, 28-29. Deadly business, 30-33. International news, 34-35.


Send an e-postcard to HSE demanding it introduce a more protective silica standard no higher than 0.05mg/m³ and with a phased move to 0.025mg/m³.