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Hazards 162, April-June 2023


SORRY STATE  It’s not a good time to be a regulator. The Conservative government is regulation-averse and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has seen its job grow and budget shrink. But, warns Hazards editor Rory O’Neill, the watchdog has also bought in to a Tory hands-off approach that has seen accountability plummet and work-related harm soar. more

ONE LAST ACT They are not accidents. They can’t be counted. It’s complicated. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is running out of excuses for refusing to act on work-related suicides. Hazards editor Rory O’Neill argues HSE can no longer remain an absentee regulator as bad jobs lead to the worst consequences. more

OUT OF THE SHADOWS Cleaners are the unsung heroes who take care of the core infrastructure that makes our societies run, says Eddy Stam of the global union UNI. He says their labour is often unseen and at night, with unions taking action to address the alarming impact of harassment, gruelling sleep schedules and exhaustion. more


BOILING POINT It is heating up out there. Make sure your workplace takes the necessary measures to make work safe when temperatures rise at work. And Hazards says don’t sweat it next year. Start negotiating now to make sure comprehensive protections are in place before a heatwave strikes. more


HEAT AND WORK SAFETY Britain has just experienced the highest average annual temperature on record. And you had to work through it. A Hazards pin-up-at-work poster. more


News in brief 10-11. Work and health 12-13. Hazardous substances 14-17. Mental health 22-23. Work hurts 24-27. Deadly business 28-31. International news 32-34.

Send an e-postcard to HSE demanding it introduce a more protective silica standard no higher than 0.05mg/m³ and with a phased move to 0.025mg/m³.